BfDI imposes fine on Rapidata GmbH
No appointment of a data protection officer despite repeated requests. Expensive even for small companies.
Ms. Schwabe is an information designer and Data Protection Officer. The focus of her work is to help customers and interested parties with contributions to the Robin Data Privacy Academy.
No appointment of a data protection officer despite repeated requests. Expensive even for small companies.
1&1 Telecom GmbH has to pay a fine of EUR 9,550,000 for insufficient technical and organisational measures.
Data protection and video surveillance: How can you apply the BVerwG ruling to your practice?
In addition to various data protection violations, one patient was confused when he was admitted to the hospital.
Data used without permission for election campaigns. You can read about why the Belgian supervisory authority punishes public bodies particularly severely in the article.
Nationwide NDR survey revealed that patient data is sent to the wrong recipients. Now data protection is threatened with a fine.
Patient data of a medical practice publicly accessible for several months. The reason was a weakness of the router used.
The portal La Tribuna de Cartagena published information about a person who was the victim of a crime in 2018 without their consent.
Within the framework of the IT Trend Congress, an exciting exchange between experts from the IT sector took place.
To what extent did the company that was punished violate the DSGVO? What must be taken into account when revoking consent?