Data protection officers report from the field
What are the most common data protection challenges and economic impacts in practice? ✔️Unsere Partners report.
Freelance IT journalist specialising in data protection, IT security and artificial intelligence.
What are the most common data protection challenges and economic impacts in practice? ✔️Unsere Partners report.
What do employers and employees need to be aware of? Concrete tips on data protection and advice on data security.
Social networks are often not DSGVO compliant. Data protection and social media use in public authorities: Important instrument or contradiction in terms?
Learn more about: Data processing by Facebook, Goolge & Co. Fines imposed by regulatory authorities. The impact of brexite on data protection in Europe.
DSGVO strengthens EU market power, enforcement must become more efficient, more clarity on interpretation by authorities and courts
Information by parents and concrete rules on media use are useful. How can the use of digital media be taught?
Find out how you fulfil your information obligations and which nine specific points you must observe.
Data protection balance sheet 2019: high implementation costs hinder companies, number of data protection fines rising. Find out more in our GDPR info graphic.
Documentation requirements of the DSGVO: Every company must document data protection measures. But what exactly must be documented?
The DSGVO strengthens the rights of those affected. What should companies consider? How should opening requests be handled? Inform now and avoid fines!