What do employers and employees need to be aware of? Concrete tips on data protection and advice on data security.
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Restriction of fundamental rights and right to informational self-determination under pressure. What data protectionists should be aware of.
Social networks are often not DSGVO compliant. Data protection and social media use in public authorities: Important instrument or contradiction in terms?
Processing activities and TOMs for coronavirus preparation. Emergency, epidemic / pandemic or vaccination plans and checklists.
Entering a postcode and e-mail was sufficient to view third party data. The autofill function is to blame.
The telecommunications operator was found to be involved in unlawful processing for marketing purposes. millions of people were affected.
120.000 € da die Sicherheit der App “Skolemelding” zur Kommunikation zwischen Schulangestellten, Eltern und Schülern nicht gewährleistet war.
Learn more about: Data processing by Facebook, Goolge & Co. Fines imposed by regulatory authorities. The impact of brexite on data protection in Europe.
The reason is the failure of the DPO to notify the supervisory authority. Find out what you have to consider when reporting.
Evaluation of sick days using Bradford factor violates DSGVO. Fines of 82,000 euros enforced.