Data Protection Academy » Data Protection News » Hospitals attacked by malware 

Hospitals attacked by malware

Date: 19.07.2019

Responsible body: DRK Trägergesellschaft Südwest

Type of data breach: Security incident caused by malicious software

A number of hospitals belonging to DRK Trägergesellschaft Südwest fell victim to an attack by malware. As a result, data was encrypted by the malware and hospital operations were severely disrupted.

Categories of data concerned: Patient data

Legal classification:  In accordance with the obligation under Art. 33 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation the sponsoring company has reported the violation of the protection of personal data to the State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (LfDI) as the competent supervisory authority.

Recommendation in the event of a security incident caused by malware

IT structures and patient data must therefore have sufficient resistance to cyber attacks and adequate protection. Otherwise, there is a risk of damage to the health and data protection of patients and economic losses." (State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information Rhineland-Palatinate)

Country: Germany

SourcePrivacy RLP

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Nadine Porrmann
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